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Science communication is important in today's technologically advanced society. A good part of the adult community is not science savvy and lacks the background to make sense of rapidly changing technology. My blog attempts to help by publishing articles of general interest in an easy to read and understand format without using mathematics. You can contact me at ektalks@yahoo.co.uk

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Age of the Earth - Radiometric Equations - Isochrons Explained

The radiometric equations given here provide theoretical details of the construction of isochrons. Please refer to the main article for background information.  This part may be skipped without loss of continuity in the main article. 

In an actual radiometric analysis to determine the age of a sample, it is necessary to measure the abundance of the parent and daughter isotopes and also we need to know how much of these isotopes were present at the time of formation of the sample. How these abundances are related to the elapsed time (age of the sample) is determined by radiometric equations.

Now back to the main article

Please send your comments to ektalks@yahoo.co.uk

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