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Science communication is important in today's technologically advanced society. A good part of the adult community is not science savvy and lacks the background to make sense of rapidly changing technology. My blog attempts to help by publishing articles of general interest in an easy to read and understand format without using mathematics. You can contact me at ektalks@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Part 2: A Generating Function for Varg Fractions; Developing Generalized Varg Fractions

Recently, I had published a blog entitled 'Interesting Properties of Some Pythagorean Triples - Introducing Varg Fractions'  where I had introduced a class of fractions with some interesting properties.  

This article (Part 1) may be accessed here. In Part 1, we had used Pythagorean triples to generate Varg Fractions.  

What are Varg Fractions?  A varg fraction F is such that F+1 and F-1 are perfect squares. This implies that F²-1 = (F+1)(F-1) is also a perfect square. 

(If F <1, then 1+F, 1-F and 1-F² are perfect squares.)

As in Part 1, we shall only consider irreducible fractions such that the numerator (N) and the denominator (D) have no common divisor.  Also, since F+1 and F-1 are perfect squares, the denominator D of a varg fraction F must also be a perfect square.  The following slide (Slide 3 of Part 1) lists the first few varg fractions.

We can construct varg fractions using Pythagorean Triples, however, the method has some serious limitations (will become clear later in this article).  Here, I discuss a generating function for varg fractions that is easier to use and also allows generalisation of varg fractions that is not possible with Pythagorean triples.

Generating Function for F>1:  since square roots of F+1 and F-1 are both rational numbers, their sum is also a rational number (a rational number may be expressed as the ratio of two integers i.e. as a fraction).  

Slide 1 explains the details:

Sunday 14 April 2024

Interesting Properties of Some Pythagorean Triples - Introducing Varg Fractions (Part 1)

Category:  Self-Indulgence

 please click on a slide to view its full screen version

In this publication, I have described some highly interesting properties of the varg (pronounced as v+erg) fractions (F). Varg means square in Hindi These may be generated from Pythagorean triples and I have discussed the process of doing so

Note: I am not a mathematician by profession, and it is possible that something similar has been published before.  Please let me know by sending an email to  ektalks@yahoo.co.uk if I have duplicated previous work. I shall duly acknowledge any previous research on this topic and suitably modify the text of my blog.  

In my next blog (Part 2) , I shall discuss a more general method, without using Pythagorean triples for generating varg fractions (F > 1).  

Thursday 14 March 2024

Talk 6: Our View of the World; Aging and Perception: Perceptions of the Brain Why Our Perception of Reality is Almost Always Wrong?

 Slides for previous talks may be viewed here:   

Talk1  Talk 2   Talk 3   Talk 4  Talk 5

The sixth and final meeting of the class consisted of two parts.  In the first hour we looked at how we view/understand the state of the world with the final hour devoted to a discussion of the effects of ageing on our perception & decision making, and a brief presentation on what we can do to help our brains stay healthy.  

For the first part, I have relied heavily on the outcome and analysis of many IPSOS surveys which are nicely presented in Bobby Duffy's book 'The Perils of Perception'.  In fact, in slide 1,  I introduce the books that I have found useful in preparing the course material.  Of course, there are many websites that provide excellent explanations on many aspects of the course covered in the six meeting.