
Wednesday, 27 May 2020

IMO 1988 Problem 6: General Term Using School-Level Maths

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Problem 6 IMO 1988:  Let a and b be positive integers 

Show that (a2b2)/(ab +1) is the square of an integer.

Problem 6 in the 1988 International Mathematical Olympiad paper has almost reached a legendry status.  The problem is considered extremely difficult to solve - most solutions require a high level of mathematical sophistication or are long and tedious.

Using school level maths, I obtain a general term that may be used to provide a complete list of solutions.  

First we notice that the expression (a2b2)/(ab +1) is symmetric in a and b.  The problem also has some trivial solutions - for example,  a = b = 1 and 
a = 0, b = 1 (b = 0 and a = 1 is also a solution). 

We can also find a special case solution following the simple process described in the slide 

Derivation of the general solution:  In the following, I shall derive a general expression for a and b from which the rest of solutions may be obtained.  This is discussed in the following slides:

As a physicist, I need to check if eq.10 may be simplified further for some special conditions and how that might effect the answer in eq.11.  The obvious case to consider is when x and m are large - this is discussed int he next slide:

It was satisfying for me to be able to provide a general solution for all possible combinations of a and b.  Besides the solutions (a = 0, 1 or 2) and b = a(eq. 3), we have found a new class of solutions such that a must be the cube of a real positive number and b is defined by eq.10 (solutions of the problem in the form asked in IMO 1988).